Wednesday 14 September 2016

Chapter 4


. The system unit is a box-like case housing the electronic components of a computer that are used to process data. ex: - Drive bay
                            - Power supply
                            - Sound card
                            - Video card
                            - Processor
                            - Memory.
. Motherboard : a printed circuit board containing the principal components of a computer or other device, with connectors into which other circuit boards can be slotted.
. Processor: is the logic circuitry that responds to and processes the basic instructions that drive a computer. The term processor has generally replaced the term central processing unit (CPU).Then we have processor , input ,and storage device are connected to memory ,and then from memory to output. let say the processor contains registers ,that temporarily hold data and in
. Control unit is a component of a computer's central processing unit (CPU) that directs operation of the processor.
. Arithmetic logic unit : a unit in a computer that carries out arithmetic and logical operations.
. System clock controls the timing all computer operations.
. The pace of the system clock :the operating speed of a computer or its microprocessor, defined as the rate at which it performs internal operations and expressed in cycles per second (megahertz).
. The leading manufacturers of personal computer processor chips are intel and AMD .
. Processor chip generates heat that could the chip to burn up.
. Parallel processing :a mode of computer operation in which a process is split into parts that execute simultaneously on different processors attached to the same computer.
 Data representation
. Analog signals are continuous and very in strength and quality. Digital signals are one in of two states on and off.
. ASCII  is the most common format for text files in computers and on the Internet. In an ASCII file, each alphabetic, numeric, or special character is represented with a 7-bit binary number.
. Memory is any physical device capable of storing information temporarily or permanently, and the stores three parts.
.Two types of memory: RAM and ROM.
  1. RAM has three type: Dynamic RAM, Static RAM, Magnetoresistive RAM.         
. Ram chip  are the computer's temporary workspace, while flash memory chips are used like disk drives, and then its necessary in a computer often depends on the software.
.Memory cache  also called CPU memory, is random access memory (RAM) that a computer microprocessor can access more quickly than it can access regular RAM.

2. ROM is a type of storage medium that permanently stores data on personal computers (PCs) and other electronic devices.
. PROM: permanent memory chip in which the content is created (programmed) by the customer rather than by the chip manufacturer.
. Flash memory can be erased electronically and rewritten.
- CMOS technology provides high speeds and consumes little power.
- Access time is the time taken to retrieve data from storage and are measured  in nanoseconds.
Expansion slots and Adapters card
. An expansion slot is a socket on the motherboard that can hold an adapter card .An adapter card enhances functions of a component of the system unit (sound card and video card).
.With plug and play , the computer automatically can configure adapter cards and other peripherals as you install them.
Ports and Connectors
.Port is the point at which a peripheral attaches to or communicates with a system unit. on the notebook computers the ports are on the back ,front ,or sides. and others types :firewire port, Bluethooth port etc..
.Connectors joins a cable to a port .
. USB  is a plug-and-play portable storage device that uses flash memory and is lightweight enough to attach to a keychain.
. Port replicator is an external device that provides connections to peripherals through ports built into the device.
. Docking station is an external device that attaches to a mobile computer or device.
. Bus allows the various devices both inside and attached to the system unit to communication with each other -data bus and address bus.
. Word size is the number of bits the processor can interpret and execute at a given time.
. Bay  is an open section on the computer used for expansion for add-ons to your computer, such as a hard drive and CD-rom drive .
- Drive bay typically holds drives.
- Power supply is an internal hardware component that supplies components in a computer with power. The power supply converts a volt alternating current (AC) into a steady low-voltage direct current (DC) usable by the computer and rated by the number of watts it generates.

Sunday 11 September 2016

Chapter 3 software for system

                                                             Chapter 3

.Application software is a computer program designed to perform a group of coordinated functions, tasks, or activities for the benefit of the user.
                                -business: note taking ,presentation , accounting etc.
                                -graphic and multimedia: design, web page authoring etc.
                                -home, personal and educational: audio and video, legal ,software suite etc.
                                -also available in variety of form : packaged software, custom software, 
                          web application, open source software, shareware, freeware, public domain software.
.System software serves as the interface between user ,the apps ,and the computer's hardware.
.Business software is any software or set of computer programs that are used by business users to perform various business functions. ex: presentation ,database, spreadsheet, business software for phone etc...
.Word processing software is the production, storage, and manipulation of text on a computer or word processor.
. Developing a documents :which means create a document first ,then edit a document and finally format a document.
. Spreadsheet software : an electronic document in which data is arranged in the rows and columns of a grid and can be manipulated and used in calculations and can be represent in graphics.
.Database: a structured set of data held in a computer, especially one that is accessible in various ways.
.Presentation software used to create a sequence of text and graphics, and often audio and video, to accompany a speech .
.Note taking software is application software that enables users to enter typed text, handwritten, drawing, or sketches anywhere on a page.
. Software suite is a collection of individual program available together as a unit.
.Personal application manager kind of software include: appointment calendar, address book, notepad.
.Scaled down version of software are available to work with smart phones and others devices.

-Project management software allows a user to plan, schedule, track and analyze the events.
-Accounting software helps companies to record and report their financial transaction.
-Document management software  is a system (based on computer programs in the case of the management of digital documents) used to track, manage and store documents and reduce paper.

.Enterprises typically require special computing solutions for various functional units:
           -human resources  -accounting  -engineering  -manufacturing  -marketing  -sales  
           - distribution  -customer service   -information technology.
.Web page authoring software is the system that allows Web pages to be visually created like a desktop publishing program(multimedia).
.Web applications  is a client–server software application in which the client (or user interface) runs in a web browser.
.Applications software communication: web browser, email, chat room, blogging , instant messaging etc..
Learning tools for applications software
. Online help is the electronic equivalent of a user manual. you can ask question etc...
. Web based help provides updates and more comprehensive resources to respond to technical issues about software.
.Web based training  is an internet browser-based learning which is also available on local intranet.
.Distance learning is the delivery of education at one location while the learning takes place at other locations

Chapter 1


-Explain why computer literacy is vital to success in today's world.
-Define the term, computer, and describe the relationship between data and information.
-Describe the five components of a computer.
-Discuss the advantages and disadvantages that users experience when working with computers.
-Define the term network, and identify benefits of sharing resources on a network.
-Discuss the uses of the internet and world wide web.
-Difference between software and application software.
-Differentiate among types, sites, and functions of the computers in each category.
-Describe the role of each element in a information system.
-Explain how home users, small office ,home office users ,mobile users ,power users and enterprise users each interact with computers.
-Explain how society uses computers in education , finance, government, health care, science, publishing, travel, and manufacturing.

.Computer: an electronic device for storing and processing data.
.The components of a computer: -Input device ex: scanner ,keyboard , mouse etc...
                                                     -Output device ex: printer , monitor etc...
                                                     -System unit ex: processor, memory and storage devices
                                                     -Storage device ex: optical disk drive, USB, hard desk drive etc...
                                                     -Communications device ex: modem.
.Advantages of using computers are : speed, reliability, consistency, storage, communications. while the disadvantages are : health risks, violation of privacy , public safety, and impact on labor force and environment .
.Green computing : involves reducing the courant consumed and environment waste by using a computer, and the strategies include are : - recycling
                                                                   - regulating manufacturing processes
                                                                   - extending computer's life
                                                                   - immediately donating
Network and the internet

. Network consists of two or more computers that are linked in order to share resources, exchange files, or allow electronic communications.
.The internet is the global system of interconnected computer networks that use the Internet protocol  to link billions of devices worldwide. People use the internet for a variety of reasons : research, communication ,and shop etc...
. A social networking web site : application that enables users to communicate with each other by posting information, comments, messages, images, etc.
.Software : the programs and other operating information used by a computer.
.Installing is the process of setting up software to work with the computer.
Programmer: writes programs for the operation of computer.
Categories of computers:
-Personal computer can perform all the components by itself ex: desktop computer.
-Mobile computer can be carry from place to place ex: laptop while Mobile device its a small enough and can be hold in the hand ex: phone.
-Game console: A specialized desktop computer used to play video games ex: xbox and playstation.
-Server : computer program that manages access to a centralized resource or service in a network.
-Mainframe  are computers used primarily by large organizations for critical applications, bulk data processing such as census, industry and consumer statistics, enterprise resource planning, and transaction processing.
-Supercomputers is a computer that performs at or near the currently highest operational rate for computers.
- Embedded computer is a computer system with a dedicated function within a larger mechanical or electrical system, often with real-time computing constraints.(consumer electronics, home automatics device, automobiles, press controllers and robotics, computer devices and offices machines)
Elements of an information system :
- Hardware
- Software
- Data
- People
- Procedures.
Examples of computer usage:
- home user ex: personal financial
- small office/home office user ex: look up information
- mobile user ex: watches movies
- power user ex: work with multimedia
- enterprise user ex: communication among employees or blog

Wednesday 7 September 2016

Chapter 2


Objectives Overview :

- Discuss the evolution of the internet
- Identify and briefly describe
- Describe the type of internet
- Describe the relationship between IP address and domain name
- Explain the purpose of a web browser and identify components a web address
- Describe how to use a search engine to search for information of the web and differentiate between a search engine and a subject directory.
- Describe the types of web sites
- Explain how web pages use graphic, animation, audio, video, virtual, reality, and plugins
- Identify and briefly describe the steps required for web publishing
- Describe the types of e-commerce
- Explain how e-mail, mailing lists, instant messaging, chat rooms, VoIP, newsgroups and message boards, and FTP work
- Identify the rules of etiquette

The internet :

- The internet is the global system interconnected computer network s that use the internet protocol suite to link billions of devices worldwide.
- The first internet was created towards the year 1969 with two main goals. Firstly connecting all the scientists to work together and share information, secondly function even if part of the network were disabled or destroyed by a disaster.
     .1969 Arpanet becomes functional
      .1984 Arpanet has more than 1000 individual computers linked a hosts
      .1986 NSF connects NSF net to Arpanet and becomes known as the internet
      .1995 NSF net terminates its network on the internet and resumes status as research network
      .1996 internet 2 is founded
      .Today than 550 million hosts connect to the internet
- Internet 2 is the most used because of its high-speed private network such as:
                      . cable internet
                      . DSL
                          . FTTP
                          . Fixed wireless
                          . Cellular radio network
                          . Wi-Fi
                          . Satellite internet service
Access Provider :
An access provider is a business that provides individual and organization access to the internet free or for a free.
 IP address : a unique string of numbers separated by periods that identifies each computer using the Internet Protocol to communicate over a network
 Domain name : the part of a network address that identifies it as belonging to a particular domain
 DNS server : The Internet's system for converting alphabetic names into numeric IP addresses.

Examples of generic top-level domains :
                             aero          Into
                             biz            Jobs
                             cat            Mil
                             com          Mobile
                             coop         Museum  
                             Edu          Name
                             Gov          Net
                             Org          Pro
                             Tel           Travel
The World Wide
-The world wide web: an information system on the Internet that allows documents to be connected to other documents by hypertext links, enabling the user to search for information by moving from one document to another. Its a page that provide links and can be downloading. And has a page called URL, and then let say tabbed browing allow user to open many pages in a single web browser window. World wide web has two types of research which are search engine and subject directory. ex: MSN, google and blind etc... search operators can help to refine  the search. The media is referring to any applications that combines the text with : graphics, and animation show as only image etc...
        . search engine is helpful in locating items ex: video(consist of image displayed in motion), Maps ,audio(music etc...) , and blog , virtual reality (
the computer-generated simulation of a three-dimensional image or environment that can be interacted with in a seemingly real or physical way by a person using special electronic equipment
        . A graphic is a representation of non text information (GIF, JPEG etc...).
        -. streaming is the process of transferring data in a continuous and even flow.
        . Plug-in is a program that extends the capability of web browser.
- Web site is a location connected to the Internet that maintains one or more pages on the World Wide Web. ex: portal, news , an wiki etc...
- Web server  is a program that uses HTTP.
- Web 2.0: the second stage of development of the World Wide Web, characterized especially by the change from static web pages to dynamic or user-generated content and the growth of social media.
- Web brown is an application program  that provides a way to look at and interact with all the information on the world wide web. ex: google, safari etc...some can contain an instant search box to elimante the steps of displaying.
- Web publishing is the process of publishing original content on the internet and has 5 steps:
                       . Plan a web site
                       . Analyze and plan a web site
                       . Create a web site
                       . Deploy a web site
                       . Maintain a web site.
- E-commerce is a commercial transactions conducted electronically on the Internet and it works as a trianle : B2C ,C2C, B2B.
Other Internet Services
-E-mail is the messages distributed by electronic means from one computer user to one or more recipients via a network.
-E-mail program allows as to create ,send , forward, store , print, and delete an e-mail messages.
- Mailing is a group of email names and addresses given single name :
                      .subscribing adds you email name and address.
                      .unsubscribing remove your name.
- Chat is a real-time conversation that takes on a computer or others such as phone
- Chat room is an area on the Internet or other computer network where users can communicate, typically limiting communication to a particular topic.
- VoIP is an IP telephony term for a set of facilities used to manage the delivery of voice information over the Internet.
-Newsgroup  is a forum on the Usenet service for the discussion of a particular topic.
- Message board is an Internet site where people can post and read messages, usually on a specific topic or area of a standard network protocol used to transfer computer files between a client and server on a computer network
- FPT is a standard network protocol used to transfer computer files between a client and server on a computer network.
- Netiquette is the correct or acceptable way of communicating on the Internet.

                                                                            end .