Wednesday 12 October 2016

Chapter 13

                                                             Chapter 13

-computer program is a collection of instructions that performs a specific task when executed by a computer. Create by a programmer using a programming language.
-Machine language is a computer programming language consisting of binary or hexadecimal instructions that a computer can respond to directly.
-Assembly language is a low-level symbolic code converted by an assembler.
-Source program is a programmer that is converted into the equivalent object program, written in machine language, by the compiler or assembler.
-Computer processors provide hardware support for procedural programming through a stack register and instructions for calling procedures and returning from them.
-Third-generation language (3GL):
               .a compiler translates an entire programs before executing it
               .an interpreter converts and executes one code statement at a time.
-COBOL is primarily used in business, finance, and administrative systems for companies and governments.
-Object-oriented programming (OOP) refers to a type of computer programming (software design) in which programmers define not only the data type of a data structure, but also the types of operations (functions) that can be applied to the data structure. and have some advantage: object can be reused ,programmers create applications faster ,work well in RAD environment ,most program development tools IDEs.
- Java is a general-purpose computer programming language that is concurrent, class-based, object-oriented, and specifically designed to have as few implementation dependencies as possible.
-  JIT compiler. (Just-In-Time compiler) A compiler that converts program source code into native machine code just before the program is run.
- The Microsoft Framework allows almost any type of program to run on the Internet or an internal business network, as well as computers and mobile devices .(CLR, classes).
-C++ is an object oriented programming (OOP) language, developed by Bjarne Stroustrup, and is an extension of C language.
-C# (pronounced "C-sharp") is an object-oriented programming language from Microsoft that aims to combine the computing power of C++ with the programming ease of Visual Basic.
-F# (pronounced F sharp) is a strongly typed, multi-paradigm programming language that encompasses functional, imperative, and object-oriented programming techniques.
-Visual Studio is an integrated development environment from Microsoft.
-Visual C++ supports object-oriented programming of 32-bit Windows applications with an integrated development environment (IDE), a C/C++ compiler, and a class library called the Microsoft Foundation Classes .
- Visual C# combined the elements of C++.
-a visual programming language (VPL) is any programming language that lets users create programs by manipulating program elements graphically rather than by specifying them textually.
-Delphi uses the Pascal-based programming language called Object Pascal introduced by Borland, and compiles Delphi source code into native code.
-PowerBuilder is a popular rapid application development (RAD) tool for building object-oriented programming client/server applications the parts of which can be distributed within a network.
-4GL is a computer programming language envisioned as a refinement of the style of languages classified as third-generation programming language (3GL).
-programming languages include : Ada , APL, basic etc...
-application generator is a software that generates application programs from descriptions of the problem rather than by traditional programming.
- A macro
is a series of statements that instructs an application how to complete a task and can be useful for two things : Record the macro with a macro recorder, Write the macro .
-Hypertext Markup Language(HTML), a standardized system for tagging text files to achieve font, color, graphic, and hyperlink effects on World Wide Web pages.
-Extensible Hypertext Markup Language (XHTML) is part of the family of XML markup languages. It mirrors or extends versions of the widely used Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), the language in which Web pages are formulated.
-Wireless Markup Language (WML), based on XML, is a markup language intended for devices that implement the Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) specification, such as mobile phones.
- Web browsers can execute short programs to add interactive elements to Web pages To send and receive information between your computer and a Web server, these programs use the CGI (script ,applets ,servlets ,Activex controls)
-Java script ,Perl ,PHP, Rexx, Tcl ,VBscript are variety languages use by a programmers scripts ,applets etc...
-Dynamic HTML, or DHTML, is an umbrella term for a collection of technologies used together to create interactive and animated web sites by using a combination of a static markup language.
-Ruby on Rails, sometimes known as "RoR" or just "Rails," is an open source framework for Web development in Ruby, an object-oriented programming (OOP) language .
- Web page authoring software can create sophisticated Web pages that include images, video, audio, animation, and other effects. (dream weaver ,flash ,expression web , share point designer).
-Authoring systems can be defined as software that allows its user to create multimedia applications for manipulating multimedia objects.(tool book and director).
- Program development consists of a series of steps programmers use to build computer programs.
To initiate program development, programmer:
Reviews the requirements, Meets with the systems analyst and users ,Identifies input, processing, and output.
- Design a solution algorithm
-in structured design , the programmer typically begins with a general design and moves toward a more detailed design.
-Programmers use a hierarchy chart to show program modules graphically.

ty of languages use by a programmers


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